Saturday, June 6, 2009

Funemployment, Day One Hundred Eighty One: Faux Pas

so my last post was about the l.a. times' article about this new generation of kids who are taking full advantage of unemployment and having a good time while being on the job hunt. when they published this article i emailed the reporter to let her know i have a blog about the same topic. i got a very quick response about checking out my blog and i was very excited!

until i remembered what my first paragraph was about. d'oh.

i was in the car, desperate to email back, apologizing for kind of totally blasting the times, and it wasn't until a half hour later that i could muster up a reply about my innate sarcasm to explain why i actually did like the article but felt the need to blast the paper. no response. not that i'm surprised but well....if you read something less than flattering in the paper you'll know why. :)

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