Friday, April 3, 2009

Funemployment, Day One Hundred Nineteen: Happy Funemployed Birthday to Me!

today i turn another year older and probably not much wiser. but i do know that every birthday should be a day off work (or in my case, a national holiday). true, when you're in the office, you get cupcakes, maybe some flowers and if you're at disney the complete vandalization of your office/cubicle which is kind of the best part. last year the brilliant and tech-savvy mae lee and her fiance mocked up a webpage and inserted me into all the stories. best. gift. ever.

however, when you're not at work you can have a birthday decadent enough to make it a really happy one. today i went to spin class (although probably would have slept in if i'd gone out last night), had breakfast with a great friend at the griddle which you can only get into during work hours, and had a mani/pedi...with extra massage. awwwww, yeah! now that's decadence!

now i do have to get some serious stuff done but after that it's off to kroq's April Foolishness comedy benefit show. i'll be celebrating my birthday with good friends and a lot of drinks and laughing. a very happy birthday indeed!

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