Saturday, January 31, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty Nine: Days of Our Funemployed Lives

yeah, i've officially given up keeping track of what day it is. saturday, tuesday, friday, they're all the same at this point. yesterday i couldn't figure out why my friend would have had lunch near her office on a saturday. oops, it was friday. so unless i think i'll need this whole "days of the week" skill for a future job i'm just gonna let it go.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty Eight: D-Day at Disney

i'd like to say i didn't post yesterday out of respect to my former collegues at disney channel since yesterday disney/abc cable networks group dropped the L-bomb: layoffs. so far i've only heard of two people i knew personally getting the axe. one of whom should have gotten the axe a looooooooooong time ago but apparently had some dirt on someone and couldn't be fired. the other one is someone who worked his butt off and it's a shame this happened to him. but hopefully soon they'll come to appreciate the joys of funemployment and find the bright side of the situation ( silver passes!).

but alas, no, i was just out having too much funemployment to post. thanks to locally famous radio personality dave the king of mexico i went to a screening of Fanboys. it's a geek-tastic comedy about friends who roadtrip to break into george lucas' skywalker ranch to get a peek at the phantom menace. through a friend i know some of the guys involved in the movie so it was that much more fun to see.

and since the screening room was on rodeo and since we're in the worst economic downturn since the great depression and since i have absolutely no money, of course i took a stroll down rodeo drive. oh my. recession? what recession? the diamonds at cartier, harry winston and tiffany still sparkled as brightly as ever. so if this whole "job" thing doesn't work out i'm gonna need to get a sugar daddy. like asap. interested and qualified applicants please send a photo, resume, salary history and stock portfolio.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty Six: Alright, Already!

so i know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but really people...enough with the unemployment rate! i know i started a sweeping trend by losing my job and really, it's very sweet that you all feel the need to do the same to make me feel better. but please, there's no need to resort to such drastic measures just to make me feel included and have more time to keep me company during my funemployment.

not that i don't appreciate it, cause i do! but seriously, stop with the job-losing. someone's gotta keep the country running. i thank you, and the state budget thanks you.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty Five: Here Goes Nuthin'...

today i'm meeting for lunch with a friend of a friend* in programming at fox. i'm not sure if he has an actual job open (who the hell does these days? open jobs are the new urban legends) or if it's more of an informational interview. but either way i'm excited to at least get a foot in the door and hopefully lay the groundwork for a job there in the future.

the more i think about working at fox the more excited i get about it: 24, house, family guy, the simpsons, and as i realized when we had to postpone because of the NFL playoffs, sports! it really would be amazing to work with some of my fave shows and on grown up shows, no less! not that there's anything *wrong* with making a career of pandering to tweens with stunts concocted by squares who think "totally" is still a hep new buzzword...but i digress.

so i'll let you know what happens and if i'll be delivered from funemployment anytime soon. probably not, but at least i'll get a free lunch. wish me luck!

*mcgahey, i'm using my first paycheck to buy you drinks for this one! :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty Four: Addendum

after i posted about my favorite* job sites a few days ago i got even more suggestions from friends about sites they, or people they know have had luck with. so in hopes that some of you out there will get lucky with these here are a few more to try: of a clearinghouse search engine of multiple job sites based on your criteria. thanks, deb!, news and events for the industry and its fans. thanks, andre! journalism site that posts jobs they hear about word of mouth from their insider connections. most are based in nyc but there are a few in l.a. and freelance nonspecific.

and of course, craigslist! i spend too much time trolling the "missed connections" section, wondering if anyone saw me from across a crowded room that i forgot there are actually job postings on there!

so again, happy hunting and if you do get hired, please make sure they have room for me too. ;)

*and by "favorite" of course i mean "they tease me daily with empty promises of gainful employment so i email and i email and wait by my inbox for hours on end, hoping that maybe--just maybe--today will be the day they'll call but every day it's all for naught and yet i'll willingly endure the torture day after day after day".

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty Three: Shear Funemployment

good news, funemployed people! we now have yet another reason to love mondays besides not having to go back to work--free haircuts!

my mom sent me this breaking news from the l.a. times today:
Sit Still Ongoing: Irish-born owner Zac Jenkinson, who cuts the tresses of Coldplay, gives back to the city that welcomed him. On Mondays, people who are between jobs can get a free shampoo and haircut (regular price, $100) and half-price blowout ($22); validation of unemployment or termination may be required. Major credit cards accepted. Appointments are advised.
255 Main St., Venice. (310) 314-2665. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

(she then sent me a follow-up email referring to coldplay, "whoever that is") :)

this kind of charitable gesture makes me simultaneously happy and terrified. happy that there are good (and business-savvy) people out there who'll do this for us funemployed. but also terrified that there are that many freakin' people out there in the same situation that it's worth their while to comp the cut and just make the tips, etc.

i'm not due for a haircut for a few weeks but with the unemployment rate as high as it is i'd better make my appointment now or i'll look like rapunzel before i ever get in. or i could make some plans on a monday night that require a blowout...anyone wanna invite me somewhere fabulous???

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty Two: Luck be a Lady?

according to my horoscope, today is my luckiest day of the year. like, crazy, dollars falling from the sky, meet george clooney the day he decides to settle down, lucky. but so far my luck has included making it through kickboxing, not ruining my laundry and two great naps.

but in the wake of more layoff news and of playboy shuttering the new york office (R.I.P. vargas pinups, office wetbars and lots and lots of boobs) i've realized today is the day i put my can't-fail funemployment plan into action: the lottery.

no, not the shirley jackson kind. (although it would trim down the unemployment line, reduce the state deficit and my competition for jobs. i'm just saying...) no, i'm talking the california state kind which could cure me of all my funemployed job-hunting woes.

i've never played before but i did know someone who almost won big (one of my work study supervisors at the NYU library played the same numbers religiously and if she had just switched her last two numbers one week, she would have won it all). so if anyone has suggestions for the best tickets (they're all very colorful and confusing) or a number-picking strategy gimme a shout. i'll share some* of my winnings with you if i hit the jackpot!
*"some" = "none"

and hey, if my can't-fail plan fails, there's always professional bingo.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty One: Shhh! Be Vewwwy Qwiet...I'm Hunting Jobs!

according to mediabistro's fishbowl LA, california's unemployment rate has hit 9.9%, worse than the rest of the country.

not that any of us who turn on the internet or a radio or pick up a newspaper (i'm sure there's one of you out there) need reminding of this, since every day brings news of more layoffs. and unfortunately more than a few of my friends have become funemployed along with me (but haven't yet gotten to the "fun" part). and since i got a head start on the unemployment line i've been asked about recommendations for job sites so i thought i'd list them in case they're of use to anyone else.*

my top three are:
the site overall is a great source for media news, events, classes, etc. and the job listings are always quality (no work-from-home-and-make-millions listings here!)
this is variety's job site that's trying to morph into a networking site too. they had a great listing the other day for a director of programming for disney channel--i think i'll go for it!! ;)
my friend andy got his new job on this site, and in this economy that's a ringing endorsement!

i'm also on about a million other sites, some listed below. please enjoy, good luck and happy hunting. and of course, feel free to let me know if you stumble across something i might have a shot at!

*i will CUT YOU if you apply for the jobs i want.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty: Discount Dining!

one of the few upsides to this sadistic economy is that bargains abound! i've already talked about the good happy hour deals but since even *my* liver needs a break every so often (can you believe i'll be drinking club sodas tonight?) it's time to turn to food bargains.

and lucky for us los angelenos next week is LA Restaurant Week! i'd totally forgotten about it until yesterday, when mom and i plundered fashion island for free makeup courtesy of a class actions settlement with cosmetic manufacturers. we had lunch at McG's restaurant, A Restaurant, the reincarnation of The Arches in newport which is having their restaurant week this week. so i thought i'd check out la's and see what kinds of deals are out there.

it's actually restaurant weekS, as it goes from Jan 25-30 and Feb 1-6. and i am going to be so damn fat in february i'll need TWO valentine's! there are some amazing restaurants offering lunches and dinners for $16-$44 depending on how fancy schmancy they are. so if you need to find me for the next two weeks i suggest working your way down the list below. bon apetit!

The Foundry

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today was another free funemployment

Today was another free funemployment score-free makeup! Thanks to a class action settlement mom and I scored free moisturizers. Thanks macy's!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Funemployment, Day Forty Eight: Yes We Did!

wow. today was another day i was so happy to be funemployed. i was able to watch a good few hours of the inauguration, unencumbered by a pesky "job". so inspiring, so amazing, and so calorie-burning, as a few of us watched at least an hour on the stationary bikes at the gym*. i seriously got chills when the whole gym gave obama a standing ovation when he was sworn in.

so here's hoping that ambitious change he promises is on the way and soon. or at least the economic change so i can get back to work. and i'm sure the 800 people laid off at warner brothers today agree with me.

*side note, new fave song: air and simple gifts. how amazing is john williams? star wars, indiana jones and now presidential inauguration. he does not suck.

Monday, January 19, 2009

So I actually would have

So I actually would have liked to see the disney inaugural concert go down. I'm damn glad I didn't have to deal with the logistics of it but...:)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

In todays's installment of funemployment

In todays's installment of funemployment we're gonna talk about fries. Why? Because kris thinks there should be a blog about fries. Happy now? ;)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Funemployment, Day Forty Five: Director is the new Manager

so i woke up this morning and sifted through my 27 daily job listing emails, and saw one job description that sounded oddly familiar: Director of Program Planning for Disney Channel.

yep, most of this is exactly what i was doing as a lowly manager. so apparently when you do that and you're on my boss' good side you're a director. when you do it and you're on her bad side, you're funemployed.

The Director of Program Planning handles day to day oversight of the Disney Channel and Playhouse Disney Program Planning and Program Scheduling departments including decision making, plus managing people and processes. This Director reports to the Executive Director of Program Planning, Scheduling & Acquisitions.

Oversee the development and implementation of programming strategies (both long-form and short form) for Disney Channel, Playhouse Disney, ABC Kids blocks; Lead internal “work session/brainstorming” meetings for Disney Channel and Playhouse Disney programming; Oversee stunting/event strategies for all three kids programming blocks

General Management:
Supervise two program planning employees and one program scheduling employee on a day-to-day basis to help with implementation of program strategies and tactics; Liaise with internal departments such as Development, On-Air Promotions Production, Marketing, Digital Media and Brand Management to generate cohesive programming plans; Work closely with Director of Multi-Platform Programming to help ensure premiere dates work for content windowing and with Sr. Manager of Programming for Disney XD to help ensure balance between the platforms

Work closely with Ad Sales and Research departments to ensure financial success of DC program sponsorship

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Funemployment, Day Forty Four: Free Money!

so for a long time now i've known that my gym was great for working out and d-list celeb sightings. but today i also found out it's making me money! i paid my parking ticket, put my 50 cents in the machine, and it gave me BACK 75 cents! woo hoo!

of course that 25 cent profit doesn't QUITE make up for the monthly dues but i figure if this keeps up for the next 10 days i can get my double espresso at caffe primo!

hey, gimme a break--in this economy i'll take what i can get! :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Funemployment, Day Forty Three: Almost Paradise

courtesy of bean (via alex) and jermaine, i'd like to tell you about my new job. well, it's not "mine" yet but if i don't get it i'll die a thousand deaths and will bludgeon myself to death with my storm.

i will be emily: island caretaker.

The Best Job in the World – Island Caretaker Great Barrier Reef
About the job
Tourism Queensland is seeking applicants for the best job in the world! The role of Island
Caretaker is a six-month contract, based on luxurious Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier
Reef. It’s a live-in position with flexible working hours and key responsibilities include
exploring the islands of the Great Barrier Reef to discover what the area has to offer.
You’ll be required to report back on your adventures to Tourism Queensland
headquarters in Brisbane (and the rest of the world) via weekly blogs, photo diary, video
updates and ongoing media interviews. On offer is a unique opportunity to help promote
the wondrous Islands of the Great Barrier Reef.
Other duties may include (but are not limited to)
Feed the fish - There are over 1,500 species of fish living in the Great Barrier Reef. Don’t
worry – you won’t need to feed them all.
Clean the pool - The pool has an automatic filter, but if you happen to see a stray leaf
floating on the surface it’s a great excuse to dive in and enjoy a few laps.
Collect the mail – During your explorations, why not join the aerial postal service for a
day? It’s a great opportunity to get a bird’s eye view of the reef and islands.
About the job package
Living above the Great Barrier Reef is a pretty unique benefit, but the successful
candidate will also be paid a salary package of AUD $150,000 for the six-month contract.
You’ll receive return airfares from your nearest capital city (in your home country),
accommodation and transport on Hamilton Island, travel insurance for the contract period,
computer, internet, digital video and stills cameras access, plus travel to a number of the
other Islands of the Great Barrier Reef. The six-month contract commences 1st July
About the location
Stretching for 2,600 kilometres, and composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900
islands, the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia is the world’s largest coral reef
system. The World Heritage Listed area supports a diversity of wildlife including whales,
dolphins, sea turtles and more than 1,500 species of fish. The reef is an extremely
popular destination for tourists, sustainably managing approximately 2 million visitors
each year.
Education/Experience Requirements:
A broad range of experience will be considered, but the successful applicant should
- Excellent interpersonal communication skills
- Good written and verbal English skills
- An adventurous attitude
- Willingness to try new things
- A passion for the outdoors
- Good swimming skills and enthusiasm for snorkelling and/or diving
- Ability to engage with others
- At least one year’s relevant experience
How to apply:
Want the best job in the world? If you enjoy new experiences and you can spare six
months to enjoy life above the Great Barrier Reef, you’re already in with a good chance.
It’s easy to apply.
Step 1: Create a video application (in English and in 60 seconds or less) telling us why
you’re the best person for the job and demonstrating your knowledge of the Islands of the
Great Barrier Reef.
Step 2: Fill out a brief application form and upload your video to
Applications close 11.59pm UTC 22nd February 2009
Applications open on 2.00pm UTC 9th January and close 11.59pm UTC 22nd February

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Funemployment, Day Forty Two: Workin' Hard at Hardly Workin'

my meeting with fox got pushed to tomorrow so today i'm taking a break (hmmm...i seem to do that a lot) from the calling, emailing, pestering, harassing and stalking methods of job hunting. yeah, for someone who doesn't enjoy being pushy job hunting is quite the learning experience for me.

i'm off to san clemente to see my aunt and uncle who are visiting from wisconsin for a day of talking cheese, packers and of course, my lack of a job. as that's inevitably what people want to talk about. i'll report back if i get any inspired job suggestions (southern california edison is hiring, says my dad).

but for now i'm going to the beach!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Funemployment, Day Forty One: Girls Gone Mild

so...i went away for the girls gone wild birthday extravaganza weekend and had so much fun that posting was rather the last thing on my mind. thus, my delinquency. and today's been a recovery day, involving napping, catching up on email and facebook, sifting through job listings totally unrelated to me, going to the gym and getting hit on by the hot but creepy guy i DIDN'T want to get my number, and talking to the hot but not creepy kickboxing instructor for an hour and NOT getting any digits.

suffice it to say, i'm exhausted. so please enjoy this half-assed post and amazing work of lego artistry. who knew monty python could get any funnier?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Funemployment, Day Thirty Eight: Girls Gone Wild

today i head out to palm springs with 3 of my girlfriends for yet another funemployment extravaganza: alex's birthday weekend edition. she's been fabulous enough to put us up at the westin mission hills for a weekend of champagne, spa treatments, dinners, trashy mags, girl talk, trying to crash the film festival parties and some more champagne. it will not suck.

of course i'll have my trusty storm with me so i'll post whatever details are deemed blog-appropriate (but hopefully there won't be too many appropriate details). i fully intend to enjoy this well-deserved vacation from, well...vacation. oh whatever, it'll still be awesome!

and speaking of awesome, my horoscope says i'm supposed to get stellar career news today. my friend sue miller (astrologer for instyle magazine and is usually dead on the past few years i've been reading her, so i'll post if this one comes true too!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Funemployment, Day Thirty Seven: Happy Hour Guide, part deux

i just came across yet another great happy hour guide on metromix.

damn, there are some goooooooood deals out there that make me think i should be planning my day around happy hours instead of the gym! seriously, edison's 35-cent martinis? the fifth's ALL DAY happy hour?? and of course the woods' happy hour till 10pm!! but i'm gonna have to start with my favorite....who's with me??

L'Heure Verte daily absinthe Happy Hour at Bar Noir

Bar Noir at Maison 140 - 140 S. Lasky Dr. - Beverly Hills

Daily 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.

L’Huere Verte means “The Green Hour” in French, and what the guys at Bar Noir are referring to is the green liquor known as absinthe. It was formerly banned from the U.S. for its supposed hallucinogenic effects, but now it’s legal and the bar wants to serve you up a tasting. Every evening from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., bartenders demonstrate the centuries-old French-serving ritual associated with this 100-proof green alcohol. The best part is that you’ll probably get a good buzz just off one and each of these bad boys and it’ll only cost you $5, parking is complimentary to boot.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ahhh...and now i'm winding down

Ahhh...and now i'm winding down the day with a little fantasmic, some wings, drinks, and sports at espn zone. Eff P&F, I had the best day ever!

And I just got my

And I just got my best buzz lightyear score AND beat mark! 24900 to 4300!

Eeeee! I just went thru

Eeeee! I just went thru sleeping beauty's castle for the first time since I was a kid! Love it!

I just tossed a penny

I just tossed a penny into snow white's wishing well for a new job. And another for a prince charming...:)

So in true funemployment style

So in true funemployment style I've made friends witj rafael the bartender at GC as I think I'll be drinking here often during my funemployment. discount works too! I discount works too! I think i'm going to cry. Cry, and eat at napa rose three meals a day.

Note to self : next

Note to self : next time I feel the urge to have kids, come to disneyland. That'll sterilize me right up!

Since no one offered to

Since no one offered to buy me lunch at napa rose i'm making do with a quesedilla and prosecco in the grand californian. Klass-ay!

And now i'm standing in

And now i'm standing in front of napa rose drooling. Just staring and drooling...I think security will be here any minute.

Mmm...smells like victory! Victory and

Mmm...smells like victory! Victory and burgers. Hey I gotta see if my discount works!

Hey! Pluto just tried to

Hey! Pluto just tried to steal my gum! No joke! Must be HR in disguise...

And...I'M IN! Woo hoo! Thank

And...I'M IN! Woo hoo! Thank you bob iger!! Disneyland for all my friends! Suck it, HR monkeys!

Okay, i'm going in...

Okay, i'm going in...

Okay, at the main gate.

Okay, at the main gate. Now who looks sympathetic...?

I've also realized that possible

I've also realized that possible rejection from DL is still better than being in the tuesday task force meeting. :)

Okay i'm on the tram

Okay i'm on the tram and so far they haven't unleashed the hounds. I've decided if I don't get in i'm going to drive faster than 14mph outta here

Damn its crowded today! Don't

Damn its crowded today! Don't these people have jobs?! Oh, either. Trams r loading at the far end and on both sides. Odd...

Operation Silver Pass: so far

Operation Silver Pass: so far so good. I got into the parking lot for free so i've got that going for me...which is nice.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Funemployment, Day Thirty Five: Decisions, decisions

i'm writing this worn out from a long day of FSA forms, receipts, copies, faxes, and knowing that it'll probably take another round of this just to get my measly $80 in claims reimbursed. but as i found out last week, funemployment means not getting to use my handy dandy FSA debit card and going about things the old fashioned way. talk about adding insult to injury...

so it's making more and more sense to try to stick it to the mouse and see if my 2009 silver pass works at the park. i'm going with friends so worst case scenario they can bail my ass out of disney jail. but from all accounts it might just work!

stay tuned tomorrow and wish me luck, i'll let you know if i make it over the moat!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Funemployment, Day Thirty Four: Things I Don't Miss, part two

today is one of those things i REALLY don't miss about working--the first day back after a holiday, especially after the new year. you've got a week's worth of emails to sift through, everyone's nursing a holiday hangover (physically and emotionally), and you're required by office law to inquire about everyone's holiday activities and new year's resolutions whether you care or not (probably not).

and then there are the corporate new year's resolutions you have even less intention of keeping than your own. "sure, 2008 was great, but we'll do even better in 2009! and with fewer people! yes, these are trying and uncertain times but if we all sacrifice a little and work harder we'll come through it just fine. well, except for those of you we'll still lay off. go team!"

yes, today i'm blissfully happy to be poor and pajama-clad in front of my computer all day. so good luck to everyone getting through the first chaotic day back of 2009. may your workload be manageable and facebook-accommodating soon. :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Funemployment, Day Thirty Three: Holiday Hangover

sad to say, but the holidays are over and everyone's vacations/work slow downs are coming to an end. and even though this makes no dent whatsoever in my funemploymed schedule, i'm still feeling sympathy pains for my friends who get back to the grind tomorrow. even a month later, i still feel the residual dread of the monday morning meeting marathon (i bet the flow meeting's gonna be EXTRA fun tomorrow!) and the return of long hours and stress that comes with it.

if it's any consolation i will be getting back to the jobhunting grind now that my future bosses are back at work, people whose asses i need to kiss are available for favor-asking, and my daily job search listings are flush with postings that are totally wrong for me.

but alas, there will be no more thrill of approaching holidays in the air and the tired decorations will look that much more sadder in the light of the morning after. but on the bright side, there are only 12 more days until MLK, Jr. Day! hang in there everybody!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Funemployment, Day Thirty Two: Ignorance is Bliss

i realized today i have NO IDEA AT ALL what's on nickelodeon right now and that's totally okay. ahhhhhhhhhh...........:)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Funemployment, Day Thirty One: Disney Channel Detox

so apparently i'm going through some serious disney channel withdrawl because i could SWEAR i saw brenda song and danielle panabaker standing outside a building on beverly glen and olympic today.

i should have rolled down my window and wished them a totally new year, but opted instead to almost crash my car cause i couldn't stop staring in disbelief.

this one isolated incident doesn't bother me too much but when i start thinking i see miley at the bus stop or jobros serving my starbucks i'm gonna need to get some help...

p.s. PLEASE tell me the key art for this movie really did say "An Disney Channel Original Movie"!

Funemployment, Day Thirty One: Naked Reality TV Star Locker Room Sighting of the Day

today was my first day at the gym in 2009 and i remembered why i loathe it after the new year. it's twice as crowded with newbies who resolved to lose that holiday weight and/or get in shape, the locker rooms are packed with chicks who use 5 towels and hog the hairdryers, and the instructors have to teach to the lowest common denominator so i can barely break a sweat.

thankfully by the end of february only 10% of them will still be around and it'll be back to business as usual. and until then i'll enjoy the new crop of reality tv sublebrities and other assorted D-listers. today's batch included elizabeth reaser (grey's anatomy, twilight) and equinox fixture dyan cannon (who looks like a really old living Bratz Doll).

and today's Naked Reality TV "Star" Locker Room Sighting is (drumroll please):
Jo De La Rosa! you probably don't remember her from the real housewives of orange county or her new reality trainwreck, "jo and slade: date my ex", and you most definitely have never heard her new album (oh yes, she's a recording artist now!). but let me tell you in terms of naked locker room sightings she's a SIGNIFICANT improvement over janice dickinson. please enjoy the video for her latest single, "you can't control me" (album available in your local record store's discount bin).