Monday, January 5, 2009

Funemployment, Day Thirty Four: Things I Don't Miss, part two

today is one of those things i REALLY don't miss about working--the first day back after a holiday, especially after the new year. you've got a week's worth of emails to sift through, everyone's nursing a holiday hangover (physically and emotionally), and you're required by office law to inquire about everyone's holiday activities and new year's resolutions whether you care or not (probably not).

and then there are the corporate new year's resolutions you have even less intention of keeping than your own. "sure, 2008 was great, but we'll do even better in 2009! and with fewer people! yes, these are trying and uncertain times but if we all sacrifice a little and work harder we'll come through it just fine. well, except for those of you we'll still lay off. go team!"

yes, today i'm blissfully happy to be poor and pajama-clad in front of my computer all day. so good luck to everyone getting through the first chaotic day back of 2009. may your workload be manageable and facebook-accommodating soon. :)

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