Saturday, January 24, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty Two: Luck be a Lady?

according to my horoscope, today is my luckiest day of the year. like, crazy, dollars falling from the sky, meet george clooney the day he decides to settle down, lucky. but so far my luck has included making it through kickboxing, not ruining my laundry and two great naps.

but in the wake of more layoff news and of playboy shuttering the new york office (R.I.P. vargas pinups, office wetbars and lots and lots of boobs) i've realized today is the day i put my can't-fail funemployment plan into action: the lottery.

no, not the shirley jackson kind. (although it would trim down the unemployment line, reduce the state deficit and my competition for jobs. i'm just saying...) no, i'm talking the california state kind which could cure me of all my funemployed job-hunting woes.

i've never played before but i did know someone who almost won big (one of my work study supervisors at the NYU library played the same numbers religiously and if she had just switched her last two numbers one week, she would have won it all). so if anyone has suggestions for the best tickets (they're all very colorful and confusing) or a number-picking strategy gimme a shout. i'll share some* of my winnings with you if i hit the jackpot!
*"some" = "none"

and hey, if my can't-fail plan fails, there's always professional bingo.

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