Friday, January 30, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty Eight: D-Day at Disney

i'd like to say i didn't post yesterday out of respect to my former collegues at disney channel since yesterday disney/abc cable networks group dropped the L-bomb: layoffs. so far i've only heard of two people i knew personally getting the axe. one of whom should have gotten the axe a looooooooooong time ago but apparently had some dirt on someone and couldn't be fired. the other one is someone who worked his butt off and it's a shame this happened to him. but hopefully soon they'll come to appreciate the joys of funemployment and find the bright side of the situation ( silver passes!).

but alas, no, i was just out having too much funemployment to post. thanks to locally famous radio personality dave the king of mexico i went to a screening of Fanboys. it's a geek-tastic comedy about friends who roadtrip to break into george lucas' skywalker ranch to get a peek at the phantom menace. through a friend i know some of the guys involved in the movie so it was that much more fun to see.

and since the screening room was on rodeo and since we're in the worst economic downturn since the great depression and since i have absolutely no money, of course i took a stroll down rodeo drive. oh my. recession? what recession? the diamonds at cartier, harry winston and tiffany still sparkled as brightly as ever. so if this whole "job" thing doesn't work out i'm gonna need to get a sugar daddy. like asap. interested and qualified applicants please send a photo, resume, salary history and stock portfolio.

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