Sunday, January 25, 2009

Funemployment, Day Fifty Three: Shear Funemployment

good news, funemployed people! we now have yet another reason to love mondays besides not having to go back to work--free haircuts!

my mom sent me this breaking news from the l.a. times today:
Sit Still Ongoing: Irish-born owner Zac Jenkinson, who cuts the tresses of Coldplay, gives back to the city that welcomed him. On Mondays, people who are between jobs can get a free shampoo and haircut (regular price, $100) and half-price blowout ($22); validation of unemployment or termination may be required. Major credit cards accepted. Appointments are advised.
255 Main St., Venice. (310) 314-2665. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

(she then sent me a follow-up email referring to coldplay, "whoever that is") :)

this kind of charitable gesture makes me simultaneously happy and terrified. happy that there are good (and business-savvy) people out there who'll do this for us funemployed. but also terrified that there are that many freakin' people out there in the same situation that it's worth their while to comp the cut and just make the tips, etc.

i'm not due for a haircut for a few weeks but with the unemployment rate as high as it is i'd better make my appointment now or i'll look like rapunzel before i ever get in. or i could make some plans on a monday night that require a blowout...anyone wanna invite me somewhere fabulous???


  1. i don't think you should count weekend days as part of being funemployed. wouldn't you have been not working then anyways?

  2. hmmm...i hadn't thought about that but good point. well, i think it might be too late to go back and redo the day count. and god knows my brain isn't that numerically inclined! :)
