but what's even better than cheap food? FREE food! and today is a banner day for it! international house of pancakes, jack in the box, and quiznos are all offering free food.
on ihop's annual national free pancakes day, they're offering a free short stack all day today. they ask, but don't require a donation to the children's miracle network so it's good marketing for a good cause. http://www.ihoppancakeday.com/

and apparently miss america, katie stam will be flipping flapjacks at one of the l.a. locations. i'm sure that's exactly the glamorous life she had in mind when she won the crown. "I hope to turn pancakes into miracles for children across the nation," Stam said. yes dear, pancakes = miracles.

jack in the box is offering two free tacos as part of its "hang in there jack" campaign. print out a coupon at hangintherejack.com and redeem away!
and quiznos is giving away a million subs through their latest campaign for their lower priced menu. submit your info at http://millionsubs.com/Reg.php and redeem your coupon! you can also nominate someone to win a year's worth of free subs and i'd like to suggest myself as a worthy, unemployed nominee. and if you nominate me i might just share a bite or two. :) http://millionsubs.com/Contest_Reg.php
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