Friday, February 6, 2009

Funemployment, Day Sixty Five: Things I Don't Miss, part four

in this friday installment of things i don't miss about working, we'll talk rush hour. rush hour that, in los angeles on a GOOD day is still soul-sucking, but on a the immobilizing. literally.

being funemployed i'm blissfully ignorant of traffic reports, relegating that trivial info to the poor, employed masses (although i'd think with a nearly 10% unemployment rate, the freeways would be empty!). but every so often this ignorance bites me in the butt when i make plans to meet someone a few freeways away at 7pm. oops. that means leaving my place on the west side approximately one week prior.

like tonight. even meeting friends at 9:30pm means sitting in the wet, rainy 405 traffic for awhile. fun. well, at least it's not a regular ocurrance. oh wait, that's not a good thing, is it...?

1 comment:

  1. I hate to say this but a few of us were just saying today how traffic has been noticeably better lately because of downsizing everywhere. I was dreading tonight's drive home and was surprised to see the 5 moving along quite nicely in the rain. It actually bummed me out. Sh*t is rough out there. Everywhere.
