Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Funemployment, Day Sixty Three: Things I Don't Miss, part three

things i don't miss about working, part three: being "tasked" to do something. this corporate buzzword ranks right up there with "circle back" and "take offline" in cringe-worthiness.

first off, that can't be a real world! "task" is but "being tasked" has got to be some godawful phrase someone way up the chain made up to make underlings feel better about being ordered to do something.

second, it never works. nobody feels better about being tasked to do something. we get it, we do what you say because you pay us. we're okay with that, and no buzzword and a chipper voice will make us feel like we've been anointed by the almighty to staple the covers to all those TPS reports.

third, has anyone ever been tasked to do something enjoyable? "hey, sparky, i'm tasking you to take the company jet to barbados to see how long it takes! no need to hurry back, just expense it." if you want us to feel privileged to perform the task you're tasking us with, it shouldn't need to be tasked in the first place. we should want to volunteer! so quit with the b.s. and happy face and trying to get us all excited to add a few more grids and a few more hours to our day.

i don't know why that popped into my head on the way to the gym this morning but when it did i had an involuntary shudder and rolling of the eyes, much like i did back in my unemployed days. maybe it's still the PDSD (post-disney stress disorder). thanks for letting me vent and go get back to whatever you've been tasked with today.


  1. You're fucking brilliant! Stop trying to find a job and start writing a book about all the pathetically humorous bullshit that goes on in the offices and conference rooms of corporate America. If its as witty and entertaining as this last blog entry, I'd buy that book... and so would others!

  2. You know that couldn't have been put much better, I thank God have never been "tasked"!!

    Funemployment, sounds rough as your headed to the gym...Probably with a Starbuck's in the cup holder in the car!

  3. I loathe being asked what my "bandwidth" is.
