Monday, February 2, 2009

Funemployment, Day Sixty One: Calling All Karma!

it's a new month, and i'm feeling pretty good about february* funemployment. i know, people are still being laid off by the thousands but i'm hoping the dues i paid in january are going to lead to something this month. that said, i'm not above having my plan b's, so i'll keep scratching those lottery tickets, looking for my sugar daddy, and earning all the good karma i can.

and i think karma owes me a big one, because last week i helped another emily little get a job interview. some background: for awhile now i occasionally get email misaddressed to an emily little in london**. for the most part it's been lame email forwards that i've already gotten from 10 other people so i haven't bothered to correct their gmail error. but i did love the picture emily UK accidentally sent to me from the spaceship earth attraction at disneyworld (for those of you who don't know me, the girl in the diving gear is the other emily, not me). oh, the irony. i do hope her life has been complete and fulfilling without this picture...

but last week my english doppelganger got an email from a caroline jackson confirming a job interview with omni partners. i don't know what omni partners is but they sound important and i'll be damned if i'm gonna stand in the way of an emily little getting a job! just because one of us is funemployed doesn't mean we all should be.

the lovely caroline jackson replied and thanked me for replying, since emily UK probably never would have showed up if she hadn't gotten the email. so i now have a warm fuzzy feeling and some good job karma in the bank that i'm hoping will start paying dividends soon. who knows, maybe some day she'll have a job lead for me. or at the very least she'll be willing to join (and invest omni partners' money in) my new job hunting service catering exclusively to emily littles.

to that end, i've started replying to similar emails to make sure she gets them. and i'd be lying if i said i didn't hope some more good karma would come my way. the latest email correction involved her friend tripp lane (seriously) sending a picture of a chair in a pub that he thought their friend brad was looking for. so if i do get my karmic payback it may just involve furniture, but after two months of funemployment, i'll take it!

so good luck, emily little of london! if omni partners ever opens an l.a. branch i'm putting you down as a reference.

*wow, i just almost typed "ferb-ruary". the disney kool-aid still lingers...

**gmail's "help faq" page explains this phenomenon using the example which is yet another reason i heart google.

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