Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Funemployment, Day One Hundred Four: Back to Funemployment

much to my dismay, my fabulous east coast vacation is over and it's back to reality. it was amazing while it lasted though! i saw friends i haven't seen in 5 years, made some new ones and remembered how exhilarating it is living in nyc. i was so sad to have to leave (although getting home to 75 degree sunny weather was a nice way to readjust).

and ironically, i never would have been able to do this without the recession. i rarely got to take vacation while i was working (it's difficult when your boss takes more vacations than george w. in office) and with everyone cutting back on travel, the industry is virtually giving away vacations. mine was even more affordable thanks to my wonderfully generous friends who let me crash with them, and those who treated me to dinners, drinks, and a rangers game!

but even if you're not as much of a mooch as i am, you can still travel on the cheap. the package deals are the best bargains but even if you just want a weekend staycation you can get hotels and flights for obscenely low prices (my flight from l.a. to DC was $99!). one site i stumbled on is for Frommer's Budget Travel magazine which lists lots of great deals: (7-day alaska cruise, $499)

or if you're one of the lucky funemployed masses you can get even better deals by booking at the last minute. check out for deals like airfare to NYC plus 4-star hotel for $403. wait, seriously? hold on, i may be going back!

you, too, can live the life of leisure whether you're funemployed or not. (but hopefully you're not.) so take advantage and send me a postcard!

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