Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Funemployment, Day One Hundred Ten: Funemployment at Work

today was a busy one. after two weeks away and a very funemployed week back, i desperately needed to buckle down and get back on the job hunt. i sent many resumes, contacted temp agencies, and did my online orientation for ucla extension classes which start next week. hell, i'm even staying IN tonight to catch up on emails and tivo!

all this work kept reminding me of, well...work! remember that time when someone paid me to bust my ass all day and be on a set schedule? i do. vaguely. today also reminded me that when you have a job you like you really don't mind it. i certainly wasn't averse to working 10 hour days regularly last year. well lemme tell ya, as someone who's been working since she was 15, a few months off is bliss!

sure, it'd be better to have a steady job, paycheck, and health insurance, and i'm sure once i get the next job i'll be right back to busting my ass all day. but my god, it's been pretty fantastic seeing how the other half lives. it's so decadent getting to work on my own schedule, or sometimes not at all! this life isn't without its cares, but it's been a wonderfully refreshing break from the rat race. and as someone who isn't independently wealthy, i doubt i'll get to do this too many times in my life.

having said that however, i'll be spending the rest of the day trying to win the lottery and/or marry wealthy so i CAN do this many times in my life. gotta run!

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