Friday, March 20, 2009

Funemployment, Day One Hundred Six: Back to School

i'm back from the east coast and sadly, the job market did not miraculously turn completely around in the two weeks i was away. still only a few faint glimmers of hope but nothing i can take to the bank. not that i'd trust a bank with much of anything these days....

so with no real prospects, i'm making like rodney dangerfield and going back to school! since nothing in enertainment is opening up i'm trying my hand at marketing and doing UCLA Extension's Certificate program. from what i've seen on the job sites marketing's one of the few fields still hiring. and from the little experience i have with it i think i'm gonna like it. if i really bust my butt i can finish by the end of the year. but god willing, i'll get a job before then.

in the meantime, though, i'd better go dust off my trapper keeper, my pee-chee, my hello kitty pencil case, and make some brown paper bag book covers. wish me luck!

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