Saturday, December 20, 2008

Funemployment, Day Eighteen: The Week in Xmas Parties, part 1

so today begins my recap of the week in holiday parties and man what a week it was! there was some form of merry making every night and i thank you all for it from the bottom of my funemployed bank account! i've said it before and i'll say it again, xmas is the best time to be funemployed because people willingly give you free food and drinks. and good food and drinks no less! hallelujah, indeed!

the holiday spirit started last weekend with acoustic xmas, and carried on through a pretty hazy monday. but i was determined to see disneyland all tricked out for xmas and it was worth braving a little rain. we had the whole park to ourselves (fast pass? we don't need no stinking fast pass!) and had our pick of tables at napa rose. good god, my palate is spoiled forever. "transcendent" is the only word that comes close to describing how good the food and wine was. if i ever needed a reason to marry wealthy, this is it!

then tuesday was our friends' band's show at green door. Capra (video below) rocked a charity gig so hello open bar! not that i need any extra incentive to see them cause they always put on a great show. the lead singer kelly blatz is starring in disney XD's new show, Aaron Stone, and this kid's gonna be huge. huge, i tell ya! we've been going to their shows for the past few months and what used to be a loyal following of about 50 people is now a celeb studded flock of fans. sightings on tuesday included brittany snow, calvin and dale from greek, and vanessa from gossip girl. it was a veritable who's who of teen tv.

oops, gotta get to the balboa boat parade and rack up yet another night of xmas cheer. tomorrow i'll recap wednesday's very unofficial disney holiday party, thursday's LADS meeting, and last night's house party (or at least what little i remember of it). good times!

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