Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Funemployment, Day Fifteen: Acoustic Night Two Recap

KROQ, meet Kanye. Kanye, meet KROQ.

so THAT happened! at the last minute, kanye agreed to be the surprise guest at acoustic, night two. and boy, what a surprise it was. the crowd was already amped after great sets by vampire weekend, snow patrol and franz ferdinand but everyone went ballistic when the stage spun around and people realized he wasn't, in fact, bean dressed in blackface but the real deal.

other surprise guests backstage included courtney love (trainwreck!), tim burton and helena bonham carter, no doubt in its entirety (gwen made it out to watch the cure), and audrina and her ceiling eyes again.

imho, the killers and franz ferdinand were the highlight and i'm not just saying that because we finished off their booze at the hotel afterwards (what kind of self-respecting rockstars run out of booze at 4am???). kanye put on a good show but mostly shouted all his songs. paramore rocked, snow patrol was lovely and scott weiland solo was weird.

and although i felt like scrooge, i just couldn't get excited about the cure. i know, it was a big deal but at that point i was way more stoked to see jake the bartender than robert smith (who everyone noticed looks uncannily like his south park character these days).

the rest of the night was a lovely blur of friends, drinks, rain, the hotel lobby, more drinks, more friends, me losing my room key at 5am and serendipitously running into dave and taking his room*, then waking up a few hours later and being unspeakably thankful i'm funemployed and didn't have to go to work that morning.

*dave, thanks for totally saving my ass.
p.s. i took your leftover booze home with me.
p.p.s. i'm typing kroq kevin and bean here so it'll show up on your google alerts. :)

below are more pix you probably can't differentiate between but trust me, they're:
snow patrol, franz ferdinand, more kanye, the killers and the cure.

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