Friday, December 12, 2008

Funemployment, Day Ten: TGI...whatever.

it's amazing how easy it is to lose track of time and even days when you're not working and surrounded by computers, clocks and meeting reminders.

for instance today i sort of know it's friday and i should be enjoying the requisite blowing off steam with some stiff drinks and forgetting that i'd still have to go back to work in 2 days. but after a friday that really put the "fun" in "funemployment" (my fave massage at ole henriksen & steak dinner. an early xmas present, not part of my unemployment benefits.) i fell asleep at 7:30 and i'll be heading back for the rest of the night soon. there's something to be said for keeping the same hours i did when i was 8.

i also have a big weekend ahead of me (kroq acoustic xmas!) so i'd better sleep now since i may not again till monday. ain't called funemployment for nuthin'!

buenos nachos! :)

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