Friday, December 5, 2008

Funemployment, Day Three: Behind the Orange Curtain

so tonight i start my real jobhunt in earnest because the past two days have been entirely too much fun. i went to the paul frank warehouse sale with friends (cutest. clothes. ever.) and saw the male members of No Doubt. what....gwen's too good for labels that aren't hers?

and today started at 6am at kevin and bean's Miss Double D-cember pageant at Slidebar in Fullerton. 6am was damn cold for those of us with clothes on so i can't imagine how the bikini-clad contestants felt. at least we had irish coffees to keep us warm. and then mimosas...and bloody marys...and effen black cherries....well, suffice to say i'm gonna need a nap today. (but the owners of slidebar are AMAZING and if you find yourself in the vicinity order the 5-cheese mac n cheese. to die for.)

but before the nap, i've gotta race to the bank to deposit my last paycheck. le sigh...

i'll leave you with this link to Miss Double D-cember 2009. Her juggling (no, not jiggling) was truly inspirational.

more later.....

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