Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Funemployment, Day Seven & Eight

so one of the benefits of funemployment is the endless free hours...which fill up pretty damn fast. i've been an LAX shuttle service the past two days, and while it was great to see friends i rarely see, it didn't give me a whole lotta time to blog. thus, no post yesterday.

but never again shall i miss a day. for i'm the proud new owner of the blackberry storm! it finally arrived and i spent a good few hours in verizon today getting it up and running. dude, this thing is INSANE. internet, email, GPS, games, and i'm fairly certain i can launch a space shuttle with it (for an additional fee).

i'll be able to blog anywhere, anytime, about anything! liveblogging my laundry! live traffic updates, only on funemployment! indecent recaps of my encounters with crazy naked janice dickinson! ohhhhhh, and you just wait till i learn to use this thing drunk, so i can blog about how i *really* feel about all of you!

so stay tuned for my rise to PDA power and eventual total world domination. but for now i've gotta go pick a cool ringtone.


  1. Dood, isn't the STORM AMAZING!!! I love it!! It kept me sane while I was back east 2 weeks ago!!!


  2. iPhone's are still better. And you're ringtone choise has to be the immortal Eric Carmen classic "All By Myself". Either than or "Electric Youth".
