Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Funemployment, Day Twenty One: Funemployment Check One

it's a christmas miracle!

i got home from the gym this morning to find my very first unemployment check waiting for me. i'm pretty sure i heard choirs of angels singing the hallelujah chorus as i tore open the envelope to make sure the EDD (employment development department) wasn't punking me with a rejection letter instead.

because i was fired there was still a chance i wouldn't get approved for unemployment insurance depending on the reason for my termination. since i wasn't fired for anything like stealing post-its or selling crack in toon town on weekends, i was pretty sure i'd get it but there was always that chance.... i had my EDD phone interview last week when the jaded, overworked rep mechanically ticked off her list of questions about the specific circumstances of my termination. you could tell this poor woman wanted nothing more than to get this over with and move onto the next few thousand applications pouring in. but even she broke character when she got to the part about exactly how i was notified of being fired and i said "microsoft outlook invite to my exit interview". apparently even she'd never heard of that method before. disney HR is the best!

but thankfully i passed the poverty test with flying colors and will be living the good life of coupon-clipping, day-old discount bread, bringing tupperware to all-you-can-eat buffets, and mooching. woo-hoo, pop open the korbel! we've got some reasonably-priced celebrating to do!

1 comment:

  1. Em: So I gather you're no longer at Disney. But what's the back story? --kendra [strey.kendra@aaa-calif.com]
