Monday, December 22, 2008

Funemployment, Day Twenty: The Week in Xmas Parties, part deux

so where was i? ah yes, last wednesday and the unofficial official unofficial disney holiday party at kress. thrown by persons of interest who shall remain nameless but knew people would welcome a chance to get together, relax and drink away a crappy 2008 whether it was official or not. it was great to see my now-former coworkers and get the scoop on what i'm missing at the office. (apparently all i'm missing is a management clusterfuck that makes funemployment that much better!) the party was a blast and although we couldn't swing an open bar, my friends took pity on me and bought me a few drinks. i have a feeling i won't be able to ride this sympathy gravy train much longer so i'm milking it while i can!

part of my "milking" plan included thursday night's L.A.D.S. meeting at velvet margarita. for those of you who don't know, Los Angeles Drinking Society meets once a month at a different bar around the city. between my pity drinks and a private party we stumbled upon, i managed to drink for free yet again (and had fresh baked churros and pastries!). we even had a christmas miracle when peter billingsley (ralphie from a christmas story) showed up! and from what i hear, had the party broken up just 5 minutes later, we would have run into paris AND britney leaving the club next door. i think we still would have been more starstruck by ralphie.

speaking of christmas miracles, i still can't believe i survived friday's house party. oh, mellow little house party, we thought...we'll be home by midnight! we vastly underestimated our friends' party throwing skills and a cauldron of spiced cider, a kitchen full of booze, a firepit, hot guys and some mistletoe later, it was 4am and my memory's a wee bit hazy on the details. but what i do remember is a kick ass party with our friends in The Airlines (, bad xmas sweaters, oversharing around the firepit, and some guy named joel who won contests for a living. seriously. it was awesome.

so one day and a hangover later, alex and i were ready for the balboa boat parade. this year was the 100th anniversary and it was fabulous--norman rockwell was alive and well on balboa saturday night with carolers, roving musicians, and gorgeous houses and boats decorated to the hilt. clark griswold would have been proud. we went to the village inn for dinner, drinks, and apparently my jr high school reunion. it was a fabulously random night of old friends (omg dreamy brent stulik has a pot belly!), new friends (ray ray dressed as an astroturf xmas tree!) and jermaine's roomate (WTF?!). even without an open bar (altho ray ray the xmas tree bought us a drink) that may have been the best xmas party of the bunch.

but before i forget, i owe ian rutherford a belated shout out for turning me onto the greatest website in the history of al gore's internet:
it lists la's open bars and happy hours for each night of the week. brilliant!
i can feasibly eat and drink my way through the city for free as long as i do it between 4P-7P! it's a recessionista's dream!

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