Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Funemployment, Day One: Janice Dickinson naked this is what the outside world looks like on a weekday!

today is the first day of the rest of my unemployment. or "funemployment" you might say, since i'm actually relieved not to be in the office of chaos and plan to have all sorts of fun doing the things people do when they're not working 10-hour days. sleeping in! brunch! seeing sunlight! happy hour!

today's highlights included taking my dear sweet time at the gym, and having a leisurely brunch with monica to share freelancer/funemployed tips for frugal living.*
*i'm SO trademarking that title for my future book

oh, and there was also the part where crazy naked janice dickinson complimented my target jeans. she goes to my gym and very much enjoys prancing around the locker room naked. imagine an old, brown leather couch with all the stuffing removed and you've got the idea. *shudder*

anyway, i've gotta get back to job hunting. but i'm glad you stopped by and i hope you'll check back in tomorrow. i plan on posting every day of my funemployment with whatever strikes me as interesting at the time. and with any luck it'll interest you too.

tomorrow's highlights will probably include the paul frank warehouse sale and dispatches from orange county. and don't miss friday when i'll be at kevin and bean's miss double d-cember pageant! hopefully by then i'll figure out how to post pix...with a wide-angle lens. :)

until tomorrow....


  1. I give you three months until you are bored out of your mind and toss a rope over one your roof beams like Bird in Shawshank. Can't wait for those Miss Double-D-Cember pictures though. Kevin and Bean...they're still on the air?

  2. I also like that when I press the "Next Blog" button at the top of the screen, this is what comes up...

    Mmmm, Albanian beauty pageant contestants!

  3. Oh, and just to be annoying and save some other dipshit the trouble: First, Second, and Third.

  4. hey, chris... "kevin and bean...they're still on the air?"



    p.s. emily will be mine. maybe only for a little while but i totally dibs her.

  5. bean, pay no attention to chris. he's just bitter cause he lives in the 951 and they don't have that newfangled "radio" out there.

    and i totally consider myself dibbed. :)

  6. None of this would have happened if you would have just hit the "decline" button like I said.

    And posting comments on this is way too difficult - I want to be anonymous.

  7. I also used to work for Disney, but left for a better job, which I was laid off from this recent September. I am now unemployed and looking. I decided to start my own work-at-home typing business and actually got 2 clients from posting my ad on Craig's List. I have an online blog too, but it's boring.

  8. hey christine, sorry to hear you're funemployed too. but if we survived disney, we can survive this too, right? ;) what's your blog's url?
